Initiatives for society
Important issue: Development of a workplace where employees can work healthily and feel that their jobs are worthwhile
JMC recognizes the development of a workplace where employees can work healthily and feel that their jobs are worthwhile as an important issue, and engages in the establishment of a safe, hygienic workplace and health-oriented business administration.
Policy for activities for safety and health
JMC formulated a basic policy for conducting business activities conscious of safety and health.
Basic policy for activities for safety and health
- We promote activities for safety and health under the corporate ethos of “respecting people,” to win the trust of society.
- We will establish a comfortable working environment, while securing safety and health of our employees.
- We will conduct risk prediction, risk assessment, and education about safety and health, with the aim of achieving zero disasters through group-wide efforts.
- We work on the settlement of issues while focusing on on-site situations, actual items, and reality.
Safety slogan
So that employees engage in day-to-day business activities, while following the basic policy for activities for safety and health, we set a safety slogan and strive to improve employees’ awareness and effectiveness of the slogan. This slogan is formulated for every fiscal year, while reflecting the corporate situation and issues at the time of formulation.
Safety slogan for FY 2023
“Aim as a professional group for safety while not taking a short cut or omitting processes or allowing someone to do so and following rules”
Safety promotion system
JMC established the central disaster prevention committee, to design and monitor group-wide plans for safety and health, and discuss metrics. A safety and health committee was established at each plant, and managers take a central role for achieving zero accidents and zero disasters. The central disaster prevention committee and each plant cooperate with each other in activities for safety and health, including the prediction and assessment of risks.
Safety system
Initiatives for eliminating industrial accidents
With the aim of eliminating industrial accidents, we adopted fail-safe and fool-proof devices, to develop a system that can maintain operations safely and prevent accidents even if there is a mistake or an error.
In FY2023, we had two lost time accidents and two accidents without lost workdays. It represents six cases drop in total, but an increase of one lost time accident from FY2022.
From now on, we will give education according to the mastery level of each on-site worker, and try to improve employees’ awareness of safety and skills.
Number of industrial accidents
/Sustainability data
Policy for health-oriented business administration
The JMC Group considers that the health of employees and their family members is an indispensable growth driver for our company. We uphold the management policy of “giving top priority to making employees and their family members happy,” and proactively support employees and their family members in maintaining or enhancing their physical and mental health, in cooperation with JMC Health Insurance Union and Labor Union.
System for promoting health-oriented business administration
In JMC’s system for health-oriented business administration, the General Affairs and Human Resources Section collaborates with the Health Insurance Union (involving the Labor Union) in collaborative health improvement while cooperating with each plant.
Initiatives for enhancing health
We take various measures for enhancing health.
- To distribute “health report cards” to all employees
(The risk of aggravation of lifestyle diseases is assessed with points. We will give recognition to those who have improved health.) - To support health guidance with smartphones
- To present “Health Love Letter” (messages from children at the elementary school age or younger)
- “Challenge Walking” (a measure for dealing with the lack of exercise; target: 8,000 steps/day; to improve health literacy)
Initiatives for the work-life balance
With the aim of realizing “the harmony between work and life,” JMC implements measures for shortening working hours, discussing workstyles, encouraging employees to take paid holidays, childcare leave and nursing-care leave, enriching welfare, etc. The number of annual paid holidays that can be taken in units of hours, which was set in FY 2020, increased from 2 days/year to 5 days/year. In addition, we are producing a plan for shortening working hours with the aim of unifying working hours at plants and reducing the burdens of shift-workers.
Prevention of harassment
JMC considers that an important element of the reform of workstyles is to prevent all kinds of harassment, including sexual and power. Each of the headquarters and plants has a “harassment prevention committee,” “the regulations for preventing harassment” stipulate items to be observed by employees, measures for preventing harassment, etc., and external lecturers give lessons on harassment prevention to managers on a regular basis.
Important issue: Dealing with responsible production and supply
JMC recognizes that it is important to realize responsible production and supply in the supply chain, where JMC operates business, and advances supply chain management and improves quality through DX.
Establishment of reliable, safe, and sound supply chain management
As JMC is an enterprise that offers products and services directly related to the social issue of response to climate change, we consider that it is important for JMC to remain an enterprise that is trusted and needed by customers and the entire society by offering products and services with reliability and stability. Accordingly, we started developing a new supply chain management system through DX in FY 2022, for the purpose of putting together information on raw materials and products in the entire supply chain, including JMC, and further advancing systems for management, sharing, traceability, quality control, inventory management, etc. Under the concept of digital technology for transformation, we established a project committee named “XD Promotion Committee,” and commenced DX with the aim of realizing “reliable, safe, and sound supply chain management.”
Efforts for improving quality
We make efforts to improve quality, while recognizing that the products of JMC are related to the peace of mind and safety of people in their lives and determine the performance and features of products manufactured by client companies.
We also formulated basic guidelines on quality with the goal of offering the peace of mind and satisfaction to customers in terms of quality.
Quality policy
- To provide high-quality products that satisfy customers
- To implement the PDCA cycle, and maintain or improve quality
- To combine wisdom and technology, to enhance cost competitiveness
Acquisition of the ISO9001 certification
JMC acquired the certification of the international standard ISO9001 regarding quality management systems for the 3 major factories: Takaoka Plant, and Oguni and Sakata Factories of Yamagata Plant. We make efforts to win the trust of customers, by continuously improving quality.
Situation of acquisition of the ISO9001 certificate/Sustainability data
Contribution to local communities
Yamagata Plant (Sakata Factory)
The staff of Sakata Factory located in Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture participate in “Carbon Neutral Port (CNP) Council of the Port of Sakata” as an initiative for decarbonizing the society in the region around the Port of Sakata, where mainly Yamagata Prefecture, Sakata Harbor Office, and Sakata City have discussions. This council plans to adopt offshore wind power generation and solar power generation, use electric and fuel-cell cargo-handling equipment, etc. For this, JMC is planning to contribute to the decarbonization of the region by offering our unique technology for converting surplus electric power derived from renewable energy into hydrogen energy and storing it in hydrogen storage alloy.
Yamagata Plant (Oguni Factory)
Oguni Factory located in Oguni Town, Yamagata Prefecture concluded “a partnership agreement for raising children healthily” with Oguni Town in 2014. We hold lectures on science, factory tours, visiting classes, etc. targeted at elementary school students (4th to 6th graders) and junior high school students, and participate in “programming lectures (for 3rd to 6th graders of elementary school)” organized by Oguni Town Board of Education as volunteers, supporting lecturers.
In addition, we conduct voluntary cleanup in the early morning mainly at public facilities, etc. in the town twice a year in cooperation with nearby companies, contributing to local communities.
- Lectures on science targeted at elementary school students
(Let’s produce batteries from items around you: Batteries made of Binchotan charcoal) - Visiting classes for junior high school students
(Corporate profile: Corporate activities in line with SDGs)
Tree planting of idle land in Minami Iwate Office
We have planted trees after thinning and weeding idle forests to contribute carbon neutrality and preservation activity of biodiversity.
In FY 2023, by way of trial, we have prepared the land of 0.19ha and planted about 500 Japanese cedar trees that produce less pollen.
In FY 2024, we have a plan to prepare more idle forests, to expand the scope of tree planting. The amount of CO2 absorption is not so significant right now, however, we will continue this operation to contribute to carbon neutrality step by step.
- efore tree-planting operations
- After logging
- After tree-planting