About the company
Manufacturing for the future from three perspectives

Our company, Japan Metals & Chemicals, originates from Azuma Kako (former Hokkai Denka Kogyo), which was established in Fushiki-machi (present Takaoka City), Toyama Prefecture in 1917, and has undergone many business integrations and mergers.
In the “ferroalloy business,” which has been the pillar since the inauguration of our business, we manufacture and sell ferroalloys, which are indispensable secondary materials for producing iron and steel, at production sites in Takaoka Plant, Brazil, France, and the United States.
The technology and know-how accumulated through the ferroalloy business have been transferred to the “functional material business,” and we manufacture and sell many products, including hydrogen-absorbing alloy for batteries, high-purity metal, calcined ferrite powder, and ceramics in Oguni Factory and Sakata Factory.
The “energy business” is based on our in-house power generation project for manufacturing ferroalloy. Based on the plentiful experiences as a pioneer in geothermal development, such as the completion of Japan’s first geothermal power plant, we engage in many geothermal development projects inside and outside Japan, and use renewable energy such as solar power generation.
By utilizing our solid perspective and technology, we will manufacture high-quality products looking ahead to the future and contributing to society.