Sustainability data

This page summarizes major data related to sustainability.

Covered range
Subject organizationJapan Metals & Chemicals Co., Ltd.
Covered periodApril 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024
IssuedSeptember 2024

Environmental data

Situation of acquisition of the ISO14001 certificate

Factories Covered range Date of acquisition
Oguni Factory Business activities for manufacturing hydrogen storage alloy, products derived from it, and high-purity metal December 2007
Sakata Factory
  • 1Design, development, and manufacturing of calcinated soft ferrite
  • 2Design, development, and manufacturing of silicon nitride and metallic chromium products
  • 3Sale of chemical materials
    (methyl bromide, materials for fumigation, hydrofluoric acid, ceramic materials, metallic chromium,
    metal magnesium ingots, etc.)
March 2010

Number of employees who have obtained environmental qualifications

Qualification title Number of those who have obtained
an environmental qualification in FY 2023
Total number
Pollution control manager 1 14
Qualified person for
energy management
2 11
Certified measurer (concentration) 1
Working environment
measurement expert
Class-1 6
Individual sampling 2
Type-1 sanitation supervisor 1 11

Situation of CO2 emissions

Situation of CO2 emissionsSituation of CO2 emissions

Energy consumption
(crude oil equivalent; excluding electric power consumption)

Energy consumption (crude oil equivalent; excluding electric power consumption)Energy consumption (crude oil equivalent; excluding electric power consumption)

Energy consumption per unit of output
(year-on-year reduction rate)

Energy consumption per unit of output (year-on-year reduction rate)Energy consumption per unit of output (year-on-year reduction rate)

Electric power consumption

Electric power consumptionElectric power consumption

Electric power consumption per unit of output
(year-on-year reduction rate)

Electric power consumption per unit of output (year-on-year reduction rate)Electric power consumption per unit of output (year-on-year reduction rate)

Amount of industrial waste entrusted for disposal

Amount of industrial waste entrusted for disposalAmount of industrial waste entrusted for disposal

Amount of industrial waste entrusted for disposal per unit of output
(year-on-year reduction rate)

Amount of industrial waste entrusted for disposal per unit of output (year-on-year reduction rate)Amount of industrial waste entrusted for disposal per unit of output (year-on-year reduction rate)

Situation of notifications in accordance with the Act on the Assessment of Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement (PRTR Act)

Situation of notifications in accordance with the Act on the Assessment of Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement (PRTR Act)Situation of notifications in accordance with the Act on the Assessment of Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement (PRTR Act)

Social data

Number of industrial accidents

Number of industrial accidentsNumber of industrial accidents数

Situation of acquisition of the ISO9001 certification

Factories Covered range Date of acquisition
Oguni Factory Business activities for manufacturing hydrogen storage alloy, products derived from it, and high-purity metal November 1995
Sakata Factory
  • 1Design, development, and manufacturing of calcinated soft ferrite
  • 2Design, development, and manufacturing of silicon nitride and metallic chromium products
  • 3Sale of chemical materials
    (methyl bromide, materials for fumigation, hydrofluoric acid, ceramic materials, metallic chromium,
    metal magnesium ingots, etc.)
December 2002
Takaoka Plant Business activities regarding the design, development, and manufacturing of ferroalloy,
activated manganese dioxide, metallic chromium, and industrial cast steel
July 2016